The cat in the sill looks at me
with disdain. I notice it only because
its stare is piercing and because I love her.
I love her for her original way of
swishing her tail in my face as she
leaves me still in the middle of stroking
her. She knows when to call it enough.
She had a sister once. I did too. The
cat sister was known for drinking
drips from the faucet. The human
sister is known for what she omits
from conversations, whole gaps in the
story. It is not that way with cats.
They don’t even begin the conversation
at all. Simply a gaze will do.
So it should maybe be with people.
They talk too much, do they not?
I know my incessant prattle has scattered
you already. I know I think too much
about cats and too little about what
really matters. But my cats do not
mind me for overlooking the obvious.
They do not need me either to stop talking
or to start. They disdain me either way.
I could stop here, but I would not have
gotten to my main point. My main
point is this: my cat closes its eyes
at just the point where the river crests
and the ivy has overgrown the kitchen.
She simply blocks it all out. Let the
sleeping cat lie, it tells me. And I do.
I would not bother it with something
so minimal. I would simply let it go.
And I do. Really, I do.
Copyright 2008 Maia Twedt
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