Wednesday, July 23, 2008


There is a place which harbors the unknown,

all of it gathered together in centrifugal force,

swirling like conglomerated clouds until

they meet with fierce force. I knew that

place once like the back of my hand. Felt

comfortable to my bones, with the not knowing.

Until I got to this point, where bones met

with uncertainty and began to ache. Then

I needed to know, fully. Details began to

coalesce like dreams. Skeletal people

began to appear like restaurant waitstaff and

ask me what I wanted for dessert. I wanted

pecan flavored ice cream with a burnt sugar

sauce and three raspberries for beauty. All

this I wanted so clearly. This is where I live now.

I have bid my fairwell to uncertainty.

Copyright Maia Twedt 2008

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